The new PSP Next Generation Portable (NGP) was introduced in January and has some specs of
5-inch OLED display with four times the resolution of current-generation PSPs. It has touch pads on both the front and the rear and dual micro analog joysticks. It also has both front- and rear-facing cameras and will use a Flash-based memory card. It will also offer 3G, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi connectivity. Sony has not stated what the price will be as of yet. Some speculate around $400.
I have been toying with the idea of buying some kind of handheld entertainment unit that could be shared by my 6 year old daughter and myself. Items we would be wanting would relate to age appropriate games for the 6 year old, ability to watch movies, have the battery life last long enough to be able to watch movies, camera, music and networking capabilities.
The Ipod touch has been marketed as more of a music device but does offer many features - 3.5-inch (diagonal) widescreen Multi-Touch display, 960-by-640-pixel resolution at 326 pixels per inch, camera, photos, video in HD (720p), rechargeable battery life of 40 hours for music and video playback up to 7 hours both when charged fully. It offers wireless wifi and bluetooth. 350,000 games and applications offered from the App store.
The Ipod touch comes in 3 memory sizes, 8GB - $249, 32GB - $319 or 64GB flash drive - $429.
All that being said. Don't have the details for all the specs of the PSP NGP just yet and it may not be available to the public until next holiday season!? Ya, that is crazy! But anyway, getting back to my point is I would love feedback as to what everyone's opinion is on these two items and if you have any personal experience with Ipod touch or a PSP (obviously not the newest one yet). I prefer to make decisions not just based on specs but also on people's opinions of the products.
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Thanks so much!
the psp 2 isnt on the market, so we cant really give you a good answer, but it´s name it next generation portable for something speciall don´t you think? I recomedate to wait, cause for a 6 years old kid with app sotore and sony store she will be fine (PS: I´m from argentina sorry for the bad inglish, but you can really trust in my opiƱon)