Friday, March 4, 2011

Do you enjoy the view from your back door?

What is your idea of home when it comes to the view from your back door? I have always enjoyed the open spaces with rolling hills and lots of trees. Maybe you like your quant little peice of the pie measuring 40' x 40' in the city, if you are lucky to have that much. I on the other hand lived with my 50' x 50' back yard with nothing behind it that soon filled with a sub division over the course of 10 years. It was a sea of houses and back yards all outlined with neat and tidy wooden fences. It suited the purpose and I had my small peice of the pie. I did however long to be perched on a hill that had a view of those rolling hills with trees. Never did I ever think that would be in the cards for me because such places are generally quite expensive. 5 years ago we moved and although I can't say that the house gives me great pleasure, yet, but the view from all sides blows me away on a constant basis. No matter the season I really do enjoy the view from my back door as well as the front door and all the windows inbetween. I have a video of Jenna toboganning in the yard and as I was taking the video I obviously enjoyed watching her but the background image struck me as so beautiful. It made me feel very lucky to be able to say, that is the view from my back yard. Wow, I love it!