Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How to Work and Make Money from home

I have recently been searching the Internet for ways to make money and stay at home. I have 5 kids that range in ages. I recently finished my maternity leave with the youngest and chose not to go back to work as I am sure many people can agree that the cost of day care doesn't make it worth it for me to go back to work. Especially when I also have a 5 year old that would also need care around the school schedule.
I started searching the Internet as I am sure many others before me have done as well. Of course I started with Google, because everyone uses Google to search for information. "How to work and make money at home" I entered. I started reading and of course the websites are well written and designed to get you to want more. To get more you have to give them your email address and most of the time a name and phone number as well. This is where you really must use an email account that you don't mind getting spammed. I am glad I created a gmail account for this purpose as hotmail or yahoo or any other free email service would work as well. Site after site I would get sucked in from all the hype only to find the investment necessary to get started. I don't have money to invest as I am not working. Most postings state you only need a computer and your Internet connection, so what are the start up fees they say are necessary?
I finally caved and paid $54 to get started with a company. I have not been able to make any money at all with the business. I would have to invest in advertising and compete with fellow affiliates trying to sell either the same thing or similar.
My phone rings constantly with solicitors trying to get me to buy into a business and be my own boss from home. They all want money to get started. One very nice man named Sam talked to me for quite some time and wanted me to become a coach on his team. Once he found out I could not pay $1000 to get started the call was quickly dropped. He did make sure I had his number in case I came up with the cash. Two weeks later he called me again to see if my situation had changed. Did he think I won a lottery in that time frame or what?
Just this evening I was called by Kassondra wanting me to get started with her company. She was about to play a recording for me when she asked if I would have $200 to get started. I told her I did not have any money right now and she quickly ended the call.
So far I am left with my phone ringing with solicitors, my email is spammed with all kinds of work at home jobs among other things. I am out $54 and not sure what to do next.
I came across "blogging" in my search for ways to make money. So far I have been able to sign up to three blogging sites for free. I have read that you can make money blogging. Get Google Adsense was one thing I read. Well, I tried that and they won't accept my request. Didn't even give a reason. So I guess I won't get ads on my blog.
I am brand new to blogging and find that sharing my experiences if nothing else to be therapeutic.
I hope to find some friends here and share information.
**** Update***** I was able to sign up for Adsense, as you may now see advertisements on my blog. In the month of March I have made $10.04 through adsense. The cheque isn't in the mail as of yet so to speak but it is supposed to be in about a week. I will let you know the update on that.

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